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Prevent varicose veins in lower limbs

What is lower limb varicose vein? What\'s the performance?  

Lower extremity varicose vein is a common disease, refers to the lower extremity superficial vein system is stretched, meandering and varicose state, long standing labor such as teachers, salespeople, hairdressers, workers, farmers and middle-aged and elderly people are prone to this disease. It is mainly manifested as the elevation, expansion, meandering and tortuous of the shallow vein of the calf, which looks like an earthworm or even curled into a group. The course of the disease is longer, and the skin atrophy, desquamation, pruritus, pigmentation, eczema, ulcer changes in the calf, especially in the ankle, the back of the foot may appear slight edema, and the lower leg may also have mild edema in severe cases. Patients often feel heavy lower limbs, acid distension, walking fatigue, some patients may have no obvious discomfort.

What complications can occur?

1, thrombotic superficial phlebitis: 2, ulcer formation 3, varicose vein rupture bleeding

How should it be treated?

1. Physical therapy combined with drug therapy

Wear elastic tights to help get blood into larger and deeper veins.

2. Surgical treatment:

In severe cases, surgery may be considered or medical advice may be followed.

You also need to be aware of the following:

1. Due to the long course of varicose veins in the lower extremities, long-term medication is needed, so it is necessary to choose botanicals with high safety.

2, walk more, pay attention to work and rest. The affected limb should be elevated while resting.

3, if there are ulcers and bleeding, should be actively treated according to the doctor\'s advice. Do not apply the medicine yourself to avoid bacterial infection.

4. Pay attention to personal hygiene and keep the skin of lower limbs clean.

5, maintain the ideal weight, can reduce the chance of varicose veins.

6. Quit smoking.
